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Addison's disease

Primary adrenocortical insufficiency

Adie syndrome

Tonic pupil syndrome - associated with diminished or absent tendon jerks - common in young women.

Agnell's rule

In Wilm's tumor - after resection if no recurrence of tumor for a period of (child's age at presentation) + 9 months - child considered cured.

Allen Brown's criteria

For diagnosis of Raynaud's phenomenon

Anderson Hynes operation

Dysjunction pyeloplasty for repair of idiopathic P-U junction obstruction.

Aphorism of Mayo, Charles

"A Meckel's diverticulum is frequently suspected, often sought, and rarely found."

Aphorism of Moynihan

"A gallstone is a tombstone to the memory of the organism within it."

Aphorism of Moynihan - 2

"The stomach is the mother of the GIT. With any disease of the tract, like a mother weeps, so is there vomiting."

Arnold Chiari malformation

Herniation of Clar tonsils thro foramen magnum - lower CN palsies+Clar limb signs+UMN signs in legs

Atkins-Wolff operation

Microdochectomy - done for persistent nipple discharge from 1 or few ducts.

Bakamgian flap

Deltopectoral flap - for repair of cheek defects like in Ca cheek - operated, or in cancrum oris.

Band of Ladd

In arrested rotation of midgut & subsequent volvulus neonatorum - peritoneal band from the caecum which is on left side to right side - obstructs the 2nd part of duodenum.

Barbeau's disease

Oculo-pharyngeal muscular dystrophy.

Barnard's approach

Extra-serous approach - extraperitoneal or extra pleural - used esp to drain abscess - avoids contamination of the cavity.

Barron's banding

For hemorrhoids

Bartter's syndrome

JG cell hyperplasia with very high Plasma Renin activity (PRA) + hypokalemia + 2ndary hyperaldosteronism + short stature.

Beaver's sign

Upward movement of umbilicus on attempted neck raise / SLR - seen with weakness of the lower AAW muscles.

Becker's dystrophy

Similar to Duchenne's - milder - onset late teens - limb weakness appears much later - may survive up to middle age and beyond.

Behr's syndrome

Familial spastic paraplegia with or without optic atrophy.

Berger's disease

IgA nephropathy

Besnier's prurigo

Atopic dermatitis

Bickerstaff migraine

Basilar migraine - occurs in younger individuals - involves mostly brainstem signs in the aura & headache - diplopia, dysarthria, deafness, blindness, bilateral parasthesias, bilateral paresis, etc.

Billewicz scale

Symptom index scale for hypothyroidism

Bishop - Koop operation

For meconium ileus - ileocolostomy

Boari's flap operation

For repair of lower end of ureter in case of fibrosis, surgical excision, or accidental damage - bladder wall fashioned into a tube like extension.

Bockus maneuver

For palpation of spleen - ask patient to jump up & down 8-10 times then palpate in right lateral position - previously non-palpable spleen may be felt.

Boerema - Crile operation

For portal hypertension - trans-thoracic ligation of bleeding varices

Boerhaave's syndrome

Full thickness post emetic tears in esophagus - lead to mediastinitis, hemothorax, cardio-respiratory embarrassment.

Bourneville's disease

Tuberous sclerosis

Broca's area

Posterior part of the 3rd frontal gyrus of the dominant lobe

Brodie's abscess

One form of chronic osteomyelitis

Brodie's tumor

Cystosarcoma phyllodes

Buerger's disease

Thrombo-angitis obliterans (TAO) - distal symmetrical panvasculitis of medium & small blood vessels.

Burnhart's syndrome

Meralgia parasthetica - entrapment of the femoral N at the inguinal ligament - pain & parasthesia on antero-lateral aspect of thigh.

Bushke - Lowenstein tumor

Giant condyloma acuminatum - locally invasive & may recur after resection - bt has no malignant cells.

Cabana's lymph node

Superomedial group of superficial inguinal lymph nodes - sentinel for glans - inguinal dissection in Ca penis only if these are positive.

Caplan's syndrome

Rheumatoid arthritis + coal worker's pneumoconiosis / PMF

Carnett's test

To diff betn abdominal wall tenderness & intra-abd tenderness. Patient asked to sit half-way up, tenderness disappears in intra-abd cause. AAW tenderness in sprain, myositis, nerve entrapment.

Casal's necklace

In pellagra - around neck - rash only in sun exposed areas.

Celsius features of inflammation

Dolor (pain), Rubor (redness), Calor (raised local temperature), Tumor (swelling), Functio laesa (loss of function)

Charcot's triad

For cerebellar involvement - dysarthria + nystagmus + intention tremors

Charcot's triad

Pain + Jaundice + Fever with rigors - for acute cholangitis

Childs - Phillip's plication

Transmesenteric plication - modification of Noble's plication operation for multiple adhesions.

Christian Barnard

1st cardiac transplant

Chvostek's sign

For 'latent' tetany - spasm of facial muscles on tapping branches of facial N as they leave the parotid gland.

CJD - Creutzfeldt - Jacob disease

Commonly presents with psychiatric (severe depression) & sensory (dys/paresthesias) symptoms, later develops dementia, FNDs (especially cerebellar), invol movts (esp myoclonus) & finally akinetic mutism.

CJD - familial form

Occurs with mutation at the polymorphic codon 129 of the PrP gene - affects younger age groups, & has a longer course than the sporadic form of the disease.

CJD - variant form

Cause of British beef scandal - infection occurred in the 1980's - affects younger individuals, more sensory symptoms, longer course of disease, upgaze palsy, absence of typical periodic EEG changes.

Conn's syndrome

Primary hyperaldosteronism

Courian Sax grading

For clubbing - suspected, slight, average, severe

Cowden's syndrome

Syndrome of multiple hamartomas

Cruveilhier-Baumgarten syndrome

Venous hum at umbilicus with dilated Vv on AAW.

Cullen's sign

Discoloration of umbilical area d.t. hemoperitoneum - ruptured ectopic, trauma, acute h'gic pancreatitis.

Curling's ulcer

Stress ulcer in stomach - in response to severe burns.

Cushing's response

In raised ICT - Hypertension + Bradycardia + Bradypnea

Cushing's syndrome

Obesity is associated with abdominal striae (d.t. protein catabolic state) & hirsutism (d.t. associated sex hormone excess).

Cushing's ulcer

Stress ulcer in stomach - in response to major CNS trauma

Dance's sign

Emptiness in the RIF - seen in ileo-colic intussusception

Darier's sign

Rub skin with blunt end of a pen - palpable wheal develops in 1-2 min - seen in systemic mastocytosis proliferation of mast cells with excess histamine release.

Delorme's operation

For rectal prolapse - plication of musculature to form a ring with excision & repair of redundant mucosa

Dennis Browne urethroplasty

Used in hypospadias - as 2nd stage surgery after excision of the chordee done about 2-3 months before.

Diamond's syndrome

Pre-tibial myxedema + Exophthalmos + Clubbing - seen in thyrotoxicosis - clubbing is called thyroid acropachy.

Dietl's crisis

Intermittent hydronephrosis with diuretic spells - d.t. excessively mobile kidney which causes intermittent kinking of the ureter - with intermittent release of the obstruction.

DiGeorge syndrome

Interrupted aortic arch, Fallot's, Truncus arteriosus + Thymic hypoplasia / aplasia (with immune dysfunction) + Parathyroid hypoplasia / aplasia + ear abnormalities

Dowden incision

For appendicectomy - lateral incision extending on both sides of McBurney's point

Dressler's quadrangle

Margins for inguinal block dissection - Superiorly inguinal ligament, laterally down from ASIS for 20 cm, medially down from pubic tubercle for 15 cm, inferiorly joining inferior ends of these 2 lines.

Dressler's syndrome

Post - AMI pericarditis - causes a localised pericarditis with friction rub - develops 3-4 days after the AMI - resolves spontaneously.

Duchenne's muscular dystrophy

Meryon's disease - X-linked recessive - manifests in early teens - patients usually die by age 20.

Dupuytren's hydrocele

Hydrocele - en - bisac - one part of the sac is in the scrotum while the other is in the canal, in the abdomen, etc.

Eberth's bacillus

Salmonella typhi

EDS Type I

EDS - Gravis type - with severe joint hypermobility, skin laxity, bruising, & bleeding manifestations.


EDS - Mitis type milder


Benign familial joint hypermobility


Aortic - ecchymotic form


Cutis laxa; Menke's steely hair syndrome; associated with copper metabolism disturbance


Ocular form


Arthrochalosis congenita multiplex


Periodontal form

Ellis van Crevald syndrome

Chondro-ectodermal dysplasia - Chondrodysplasia + ectodermal dysplasia + polydactyly + congenital heart disease.

Emery-Dreifuss dystrophy

X-linked dystrophy - deficiency of emerin - early onset contractures of Achille's tendon, elbows, humeral & peroneal muscle weakness and contractures, and serious cardiac conduction defects.

Erb Duchenne palsy

C5,6 affected - upper cord lesion - hand cannot be flexed & pronated - lies limp by the side - "porter's tip" position, sensory loss over lateral side of UL & thumb & index finger.

Erb's march of motor paralysis

In progressive cord compression - especially extra-dural / medullary - 1st involves ipsilateral UL, then ipsi LL, then contra-lateral LL, then contra-lateral UL - d.t. arrangements of fibers in the cortico-spinal tracts - antero-laterally arranged.

Fanconi Syndrome

Multiple defects in proximal tubule - glycosuria, AA-uria, Phosphaturia, Uricosuria

Felty's syndrome

Splenomegaly + neutropenia (pancytopenia with immune deficit) + rheumatoid arthritis

Ferriman - Gallway score

For hirsutism - assesses hair growth at nine specific androgen dependent sites - each gets score 0(no terminal hair) to 4 (frankly virile) (min 4 , max 36) - >8 score = hirsutism.

Fishman's grading

For clubbing - according to angle between nail & nail bed

Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome

Perihepatitis d.t. gonococcal infection - asso with P.I.D.

Foster Kennedy syndrome

With frontal lobe lesion - optic atrophy in ipsilateral eye with papilledema in opposite eye.

Fowler Stephen's operation

For undescended testis - if cord cannot be lengthened d.t. testicular A stretching - A. ligated & testis brought down - collateral supply from A to vas & cremasteric A will suffice.

Fraenkel's nodules

Formed by endothelial proliferation + perivascular reaction --- seen in Rickettsial infection - these org multiply in the capillary endothelial cells - intracellular parasites.

Freidrich's ataxia

Cardiomyopathy, conduction defects + Ataxia + dysarthria + degeneration of dorsal column tracts

Friedreich's ataxia

Combined spino-cerebellar degeneration with concomitant peripheral neuropathy, with myocardial degeneration with progressive myocardial fibrosis.

Frohlich's syndrome

Obesity + lethargy + genital hypoplasia + amenorrhea - without abdominal striae or hirsutism (difference from Cushing's syndrome).

Gable incision

Oblique for liver, adrenal, & pancreas

Gaenslen's operation

Done for sacro-iliac subluxation.

Gerstmann's syndrome

Lesion of the dominant parietal lobe - ALF - Agraphia, Acalculia, Left-right disorientation, Finger agnosia

Gilles de la Tourette syndrome

Complex tics with coprolalia & copropraxia - starts in childhood - persists into adulthood - treated with DA antagonists / anti-psychotics.

Glasgow Coma Scale

Devised by Jaenett & Teasdale in 1974.

Gottren's sign

In polymyositis & dermatomyositis - heliotrope (lilac colored) discoloration of the knuckles.

Hackett's grading

For splenomegaly

Hadfield's operation

Cone excision of all major ducts - done for persistent nipple discharge from all or many ducts. Defect closed by purse-string sutures.

Hartmann's operation

Excision of affected bowel + proximal colostomy + distal end closed & kept in situ.

Heberden's syndrome

Angina pectoris

Henoch Schonlein purpura

Autoimmune IgA mediated condition - common in children - classic triad of rash (infex) + abdominal pain / renal involvement + arthritis - may cause renal failure.

Henry's incision

Midline infra-umbilical

Hippocrates' method

For reduction of anterior dislocation of shoulder - surgeon applies traction with hands & counter-traction with foot in the axilla.

Hippocrates' nails


Hippocrates' sign

Succussion splash.

Hippocrates tumour

Malignant melanoma

Hippocratic facies

In peritonitis - d.t. shock.

Holstein Lewis syndrome

Radial N palsy 2ndary to # shaft of humerus.

Holt Oram syndrome

ASD + Skeletal defects of UL + clavicle dysgenesis

Horner's syndrome

Miosis + Partial ptosis + Anhydrosis - seen d.t. disturbance of the sympathetic supply to eye anywhere in its course.

Horton's headache

Cluster headaches - common in adult males - occur in clusters - unilateral, associated with lacrimation, nasal stuffiness - ppted by stress, alcohol, smoking, nitrates.

Jaccoud's arthritis

Arthritis of rheumatic fever - form which involves the distal smaller joints & leaves residual scarring

Jack - knife position

Prone, with hips flexed over a break in the table - used for rectal surgery & lumbar laminectomy.

Jackson's staging

For Ca penis - see notes.

Job's syndrome

Hypereosinophilic syndrome - with atopic dermatitis, high IgE levels, recurrent pyodermas, & decreased chemotaxis of mononuclear cells.

Kallmann's syndrome

Congenital def of GnRH with anosmia. Leads to hypogonadotrophic hygonadism.

Kantor's string sign

On small bowel enema in Crohn's disease at the ileum.

Kartagener's syndrome

Dextrocardia + situs inversus + sinusitis + bronchiectasis + sterility (ciliary dysfunction)

Katayama disease

Serum-sickness like illness caused in acute schistosomiasis when the adult worms start producing eggs - fever, Lnpathy, urticaria, arthritis,edema.

Kawasaki disease

Mucocutaneous LN syndrome - High fever + skin/mucous membrane affection + Extremity involvement + Rash + conjunctivitis + cervical Lnpathy --- acute, self limiting - like collagen disease - in children

Kernohan's notch

In head injury - cause of 2ndary brain injury - space occupying effect causes herniation - opposite cerebral peduncle pressed against the tentorium - pyramidal tract affection on the same side of the body.

Killian's dehiscence

Protrusion of pharyngeal mucosa between thyropharyngeus & cricopharyngeus.

Killip's grading

For cardiac pump failure - 4 groups - prognosis (mortality) corresponds to this clinical staging especially in AMI.

Klumke Dejerine palsy

C8, T1 affected - lower cord lesion - intrinsic hand muscle weakness & wasting, sensory loss over inner side, Horner's syndrome.


Incision, Vein (thyroid), Kocherisation, Kocher's test (for thyroid - tracheomalacia), Forceps, Method for reduction of anterior dislocation of shoulder, lateral approach to the elbow - in orthopaedic surgery.

Kock's procedure

Ileostomy with continent intra-abdominal pouch

Korsakoff's psychosis

Commonly follows Wernicke's encephalopathy - severe amnesia is the main feature, with confabulation - amnesia may be antegrade or retrograde.


1st person to use an esophagoscope

Kussmaul's breathing

Acidotic breathing - rapid deep breathing

Kussmaul's sign

Paradoxical rise in JVP on inspiration - seen in pericardial effusion, constrictive pericarditis, COPDs

Laennec's cirrhosis

Alcoholic cirrhosis

Lahaut's operation

Abdominal operation for rectal prolapse - passed through rectus sheath

Lanz's incision

Transverse right sided in iliac region - for appendix & caecum - more cosmetic - may be used in females

Lasegue's sign

For disc prolapse - pain on passive raising of the straight leg (SLR)

Laurence Moon Biedl syndrome

Variable congenital heart defects + retinitis pigmentosa + polydactyly + obesity + microcephaly + MR

Lesch-Nyhan syndrome

X linked recessive defect of HGPRTase deficiency - gout asso. with CNS changes like choreoathetosis, spasticity, mental deficit, and compulsive self mutilation.

Lhermitte's sign

On neck flexion - electric shock like sensations in the dermatome of affected segment part of spinal cord - seen in multiple sclerosis / radiation myelopathy.

Li Fraumeni syndrome

Hereditary cancer syndrome - deletion of p53 - also called SBLA - Sarcoma, Breast, Brain, Lung, Larynx, Leukemia, Adrenal tumor syndrome.

Little disease

Cerebral palsy

Looser's lines

Seen in rachitic bones - radioluscent transverse lines in the XR, usually on the concave side of the bone not extending to the opposite cortex. Most commonly seen in adult osteomalacia, & renal osteodystrophy.

Lowibond's angle

Angle between nail & nail bed - usually 168 degrees - obliterated in clubbing

Lyme disease - 3 stages

Early localised (erythema at bite site), early dissem (flu, cardiac - blocks, neurological - meningism, enceph), late persistent (arthritis, chronic neurological, cutaneous)

Lynch syndrome 1

Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal Ca (HNPCC) - autosomal dominant inheritance - multiple primaries - rt sided - also Ca uterus & ovary are common.

Mafucci's syndrome

Multiple enchondromatosis (Ollier's disease) + multiple soft tissue haemangiomas - may be cause of clubbing.

Mallory-Weiss syndrome

Partial thickness esophageal post emetic tears - lead to upper GI bleed & hematemesis

Martorell's sign

"Tree root" sign on XR - angiography in vascular occlusion d.t. lymphatics.

McArthur's incision

Grid Iron type of incision.

McGregor's flap

Forehead flap - based on superficial temporal A.

Meckel's diverticulum

Partial persistence of the omphalo-mesenteric duct at its junction with the ileum.

Meig's syndrome

Ascites, pleural effusion asso with ovarian fibroma.

Menetriere's disease

Cystic glandular hyperplasia of stomach mucosa - leads to protein losing enteropathy & hematemesis.

Millin - Walker's operation

For portal hypertension - trans - thoracic porta-systemic disconnection - by transection & reanastomosis of esophagus.

Mitchell's technique

Injection treatment for piles

Mondor's disease

Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins of breast and chest wall, may involve upper limb.

Morgan - Milligan operation

For hemorrhoids - "open" technique of hemorrhoidectomy

Morson's classification

For intestinal polyps - broad groups are - (1) Hamartomatous, (2) Metaplastic, (3) Inflammatory, (4) Neoplastic - benign & malignant.

Murphy's triad

Pain + Vomiting + Fever - for acute appendicitis

Naunyn's sign

Same as Murphy's sign - Naunyn described it 13 yrs before Murphy did.

Nelson's syndrome

Hyperpigmentation with pituitary tumor. Occurs d.t. high ACTH d.t. treatment of pituitary Cushing's with bilateral adrenalectomy.

Nesbitt's operation

To treat Peyronie's disease

Noble's plication operation

For multiple adhesions

Noonan's syndrome

Pulmonary valve dysplasia or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy + Cryptorchidism + pectus excavatum + webbed neck

Nurse's syndrome

Mesenteric adenitis occurring in teenage girls - attacks of central abdominal pain with circum oral pallor.

Ollier's disease

Multiple enchondromatosis

Ombredanne's operation

For undescended testis - testis brought down into scrotum & fixed by inserting it across septum into other hemi-scrotum.

Ong's operation

For portal hypertension - trans-abdominal ligation of bleeding varices

Ormond's disease

Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis

Osler Weber Rendu disease

Hereditary Hemorrhagic telangiectasia

Osler's maneuvre

To detect pseudoHT - caused d.t. calcification of the Aa - Feel for the radial A with cuff pressure >SBP - if palpable - means the A is calcified & gives false high BP.

Osler's nodes

Tender nodules formed in the pulps of fingers & in the thenar & hypothenar eminences - seen in IE

P. Venugopal

1st cardiac transplant in India - at AIIMS

Paget - Schroetter's syndrome

Effort - vein thrombosis - see notes on thoracic outlet syndrome.

Parinaud's syndrome

Loss of vertical gaze associated with refractory nystagmus on convergence + pseudo - Argyll Robertson pupils present - causes - pinealoma, MS, vascular lesions.

Park's operation

Restorative procto-colectomy with ileo-anal pouch

Paul - Mikulicz operation

Resection of affected intestine + both ends brought out side by side flush together. Subsequent closure of stoma by crushing septum in between the 2 ends & closing roof of stoma.

Peyronie's disease

Corpora cavernosa involved - multiple fibrotic plaques - deformed penis - treated by Nesbitt's operation - sutures put in opposite side of contractures to straighten the penis.

Pfannelstiel's incision

Transverse infra-umbilical - for pelvic organs.

Pick's disease

Ascites d.t. constrictive pericarditis

Polya gastrectomy

Billroth II gastrectomy

Post coital test - other names

Sim's test, Huhner's test. Modification - Miller Kurzrok test - cervical mucus & sperms taken onto slide & penetration tested under microscope.

Pott's fracture

Ankle # - bimalleolar type

Pott's puffy tumour

Osteomyelitis of the skull bones - commonly after an open # - causes an inflammatory of the scalp.

Pott's spine

TB spine - commonly presents as paraplegia - destroys the body AND IV discs (which are spared in 2ndaries to spine) - causes vertebral body collapse & paravertebral abscess - bird nest sign on AP XR.

Prehn's sign

In torsion testis - aggravation of the pain on elevating the testis - differentiates it from acute epididymo-orchitis.

Prinzmetal's angina

Angina at rest or occurring in specific patterns - 'start-up' angina, 'decubitus' angina, 'nocturnal' angina

Pseudo Meig's syndrome

Ascites, pleural effusion asso with uterine fibroid.

Ramsay - Hunt syndrome

Herpes zoster oticus (vesicles in the canal) + LMN facial palsy + Regional adenopathy + Vertigo + anesthesia over anterior 2/3 of the corresponding hemitongue.

Raynaud's pentad

Charcot's triad (pain + fever + jaundice) + CNS excitatory / depressive effects + septic shock - from operating on an infected biliary system.

Reiter's syndrome

Conjunctivitis + Urethritis + Arthritis + Oral ulcers + Periarteritis - associated with HLA B27.

Riley Day syndrome

Familial dysautonomia syndrome - manifests in babies.

Ripstein's operation

Abdominal operation for rectal prolapse - attached to sacral promontory by Teflon sling

Risser's sign

XR sign - ossification of iliac apophysis - used as a measure of skeletal maturity.

Robson's staging


Ross syndrome

Tonic pupils with altered knee jerks, with hypohidrosis

Roussy Levy syndrome

Mild ataxia + pes cavus + arreflexia + peroneal muscle atrophy + thickened nerves (in some)

Rovsing's operation

For polycystic kidney disease - "de-capping" of cysts - to relieve pressure atrophy of renal parenchyma & reduce discomfort.

Rutherford Morrison's pouch

Right hepatorenal pouch - most dependent part of peritoneal cavity in supine position.

Saint's triad

Chronic cholecystitis (d.t. GB stones), Diverticulitis, Hiatus hernia - all present with dyspepsia.

Schober's test

For lumbar flexion testing - keep 2 fingers over the spine, one 5 cm below a point on the spine at level of the dimple, & other 10 cm above it - ask patient to bend forwards - if length between fingers increases

Shiyonoya's criteria

For diagnosis of T.A.O. - Buerger's disease.

Silber Kelly operation

For undescended testis - the cord is lengthened after ligating testicular A with micro-vascular anastomosis with the inferior epigastric A.

Singer's test

Alkali denaturation test to detect foetal Hb.

Sipple's syndrome

Hereditary cancer syndrome - with association of pheochromocytoma & medullary Ca thyroid - same as MEN type 2a

Sjaastad's syndrome

Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania - like cluster headches - except more common in females - responds to indomethacin treatment.

Somogyi phenomenon - DM

Post - hypoglycemic - hyperglycemia occurs in early morning after bout of hypoglycemia at about 3 a.m. Treatment - decrease the bed-time insulin dose.

Sprengel's shoulder

Undescended / Elevated scapula.

Stauffer's syndrome

Reversible hepatic cellular dysfunction in RCC

Steele Richardson Olszewski S

Progressive supranuclear palsy - loss of vertical & later horizontal gaze which is associated with extrapyramidal signs, neck rigidity & dementia. Reflex eye movements on head movements + (supra nuc)

Stein Levinthal syndrome

PCOD --- Amenorrhoea + Sterility + Hirsutism + Obesity (ASHO) --- causes secondary amenorrhea in a young woman - treated with Clomiphene --- 50-100 mg for 1st 5 days of month for 6 months.

Sundown syndrome

Evening confusion followed by agitation - seen in late stages of Parkinsonism - the fluctuating stage.

Suzzmann's sign

In coarctation of aorta - bruits heard over the back - d.t. opening up of the periscapular anastomosis, & d.t. increased blood flow through the IC Aa.

Syme's amputation

Supramalleolar amputation of foot - Heel pad rotated anteriorly over sawn off ends of tibia & fibula.

Tanner's operation

For portal hypertension - trans - abdominal porta-systemic disconnection - by transection & reanastomosis of proximal part of stomach.

Tanyol's sign

Umbilicus position in relation to xiphisternum & pubic symphysis - to differentiate between ascites & pelvic lump e.g. ovarian cyst.

Tobia's syndrome

Thoracic outlet syndrome d.t. Pancoast tumor

Todd's palsy

Post-ictal paralysis - D/D for a hemorrhagic stroke

Tolosa Hunt syndrome

Superior orbital fissure syndrome - painful lesins of the V1, III, IV, VI CN.

Trendelenburg's operation

For varicose veins - sapheno-femoral disconnection with flush ligation of the saphenous stump on the femoral V.

Trendelenburg's operation - 2

For pulmonary embolism - pulmonary embolectomy

Trendelenburg's position

Supine + head low position - facilitates pelvic surgery by causing intestines to gravitate upwards.

Trendelenburg's test

In varicose veins - 2 parts - 1st for leg perforators, 2nd for sapheno-femoral junction

Troisier's sign

Isolated enlargement of Virchow's nodes - seen in late stages of abdominal & pelvic malignancies.

Trousseau's sign

Migratory throbophlebitis - seen commonly with advanced intra-abdominal malignancies. Observed by Trousseau in himself d.t. his Ca stomach d.t. which he died.

Trousseau's sign - tetany

For 'latent' tetany - carpopedal spasm on occluding arm blood supply with BP cuff inflated.

Van Nuys classification

Pathological classification for DCIS - based on nuclear grading and presence or absence of necrosis (comedo pattern).

Van Nuys scoring

For prognosis in DCIS treated with excision - uses the Van Nuys classification, tumor size, and the width of the margin. Score can be 3,4 (minimal risk), 5,6,7 (intermed risk) or 8,9 (high risk).

VATER syndrome

VSD, Vertebral anomalies + Anal atresia + Tracheo-Esophageal fistula + Radial anomalies, Renal anomalies

Venus' dimple

On the buttocks - at the level of the posterior superior iliac spine - the sacro-iliac joints lie just below it.

Virchow's nodes

Left supraclavicular nodes - enlarged in Troisier's sign

Virchow's triad

To explain causes of coagulation - 1) Changes in vessel wall 2) Changes in blood constituents 3) Changes in flow of blood.

Volkmann's contracture - causes

Compartment syndrome, Arterial damage, Tight POP cast, prolonged tourniquet application, hyperflexion.

Von Economo's disease

Encephalitis lethargica - post influenzal encephalitis - one of the D/D's for Parkinsonism.

Von Recklinghausen's disease

Neurofibromatosis, osteitis fibrosa cystica

Warren's operation

For portal hypertension - devascularization of stomach varices - ligation of left gastric vein.

Warren's operation - 2

For portal hypertension - distal spleno-renal shunt

Wayne index

Symptom index for hyperthyroidism

Well's operation

Abdominal operation for rectal prolapse - attached to sacrum by polyvinyl sponge

Werner Zoege von Manteuffel

First to advocate use of sterilised rubber gloves for surgery in 1897. Till then surgeons mostly operated with bare hands !!!

Werner's syndrome

Multiple endocrine neoplasia - type 1

Wernicke's area

Posterior part of the 1st temporal gyrus of the dominant lobe

Wernicke's encephalopathy

Ataxia + ophthalmoplegia + confusion - may progress to Korsakoff's psychosis - treated as medical emergency with 50-100 mg Thiamine IV & only then other glucose infusions.

Whipple's disease

Rare disease with diarrhea, arthralgia, CNS signs, and skin pigmentation. Caused by intestinal infection by Trophyrema whipelli - has multisystemic manifestations - prolonged treatment with Tetra - 1 year or more.

Whipple's operation

Partial pancreatectomy with duodenectomy.

Whipple's triad

Diagnostic criteria for Insulinoma - Attacks in fasting or exercising state, BSL

Wilkie's syndrome

SMA syndrome - occlusion - leads to MVA or mesenteric ischemia - pain in abdomen after meals.

William Osler

First described typhoid fever in 1892

William's syndrome

Supravalvular AS + peripheral pulmonary stenosis + 'elfin' facies + hoarse voice + mental deficiency

Winwarter - Buerger disease

Cerebral form of T.A.O.

Zenker's diverticulum

Pharyngeal pouch

Zieman's test

For hernia - the 3 finger test - ring finger over saphenous opening, middle finger over the superficial ring & index over the deep ring - patient asked to cough