Auscultatory areas
Thursday, December 31, 2009, 1:08:58 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Auscultatory areas starting from left 2nd intercostal space:
Remember: All Patients Take Medicines
Aortic - Pulmonary - Tricuspid - Mitral
• Only Aortic area is on left ; Remember that ALL stands for aortic area - read as Aortic Left Left ; Why 2 lefts? Because it's in 2nd IC space )
• If you want to remember the other intercostal spaces where the auscultatory areas on right are situated just imagine a patient in Room no.245 - Right 2, 4, 5 IC spaces in that order for Pulmonary, Tricuspid, Mitral in that order of All Patients Take Medicine.
• Confusion buster: Please note that Aorta arises from left ventricle, but auscultatory area is on right side. Note the same problem with Pulmonary artery.
• Also check our older posts - Aorta and IVC : left or right ?
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DDH - Clinical Examination (Tests)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 1:38:28 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Ortholani's and Barlow's tests detect DDH. You might confuse between the two tests or you may feel that both are the same. First, here is what the tests are:
• Barlow's test: The maneuver is performed by adducting the hip while applying light pressure on the knee, directing the force posteriorly. If the hip is dislocatable, the test is considered positive. The Ortolani maneuver is then used, to confirm that the positive finding (i.e., that the hip actually dislocated).
• Ortholoni's test: It is performed by gently abducting the infant's leg using the examiner's thumb while placing anterior pressure on the greater trochanter using the examiner's index and forefinger. A positive sign is a distinctive 'clunk' which can be heard and felt as the femoral head relocates anteriorly into the acetabulum.
Now here's how to remember the two tests:
Barlow's test - you feel the Dislocation - so Barlow's test is Bad test as you are dislocating from joint.
ORTHOlani - you try to feel the Reduction - like ORTHOpedicians reducing all fractures and dislocations.
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Medicine clinical examination ; Stethoscope sounds
Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 1:34:26 PM (Dr. Shajil)
The stethoscope's diaphragm is larger than the bell. So remember - diapragm (LARGER) picks up HIGH pitched sounds; Bell (SMALLER) picks up LOW pitched sounds.
AeGophony- like bleating of A Goat ; Ask the patient to say 'A', you hear 'E' (AEgophony)
Bronchophony - spoken from the EARpiece (BEAR).
sIbiliant rhonchi is hIgh pitched; sOnorous- lOw pitched
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History taking : Description of symptoms
Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 1:33:52 PM (Dr. Shajil)
The history of specific symptoms have to be described in this order:
Remember that a good doctor takes a good history before he OPERATES
Onset of symptoms
Exacerbating factors
Relieving factors
Associated symptoms
Time relation of symptoms ( Night pain etc )
Episodic nature ( Symptom free intervals etc )
Systemic inquiry related to symptom
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Micro organisms which don't Gram stain well
Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 10:14:38 AM (Dr. Shajil)
List of Microbes which may not gram stain well:
Remember: " These Microscopic Rascals May Look Colourless "
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Mitosis and Meosis
Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 11:45:00 PM (Dr. Shajil)
• Stages of mitosis:
( Remember PROfessor MAT taught us Mitosis )
• Stages of meosis are Prophase-I, Metaphase-I, Anaphase-I, Telophase-I, followed by Prophase-II, Metaphase-II, Anaphase-II, Telophase-II
( Remember PROfessor MAT taught me meosis twice - I & II )
• mItosis gives 2 dIploid daughter ceels
• MEosis keeps ME very HAPpy with 4 HAPloid daughter cells
Structures behind medial malleolus
Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 8:38:45 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Structures that pass behind medial malleolus deep to flexor retinaculum (From anterior to posterior):
Remember: Tall Doctors Are Never Hungry.
Tibialis posterior,
flexor Digitorum longus,
posterior tibial Artery,
tibial Nerve,
flexor Hallucis longus tendon
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Chest pain : What attending nurses should do
Tuesday, December 15, 2009, 1:35:04 AM (Dr. Shajil)
In case the attending nurse sees a patient with chest pain, she should MOVE the patient to emergency care unit:
Remember MOVE:
Monitor (cardiac monitor) connect
Oxygen administration
Venous access with large bore canula
ECG to be taken
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Good Pasture's Syndrome
Friday, December 25, 2009, 11:08:57 PM (Dr. Shajil)
In Good Pasture's syndrome, there is auto antibodies against Glomeruli (causing Glomerulonephritis ) & Pulmonary basement membrane ( causing Pneumonitis )
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Seronegative spondyloarthropathies
Saturday, December 12, 2009, 11:05:17 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Sero negative spondyloarthropathies are:
Remember RAP(P)E -
R- Reiters syndrome
A- Ankylosing spondylitis
P- Psoriatic arthropathy
P- Pseudogout
E- Enteropathic arthritis(chrons disease,ulcerative colitis,behchets syndrome)
This mnemonic was sent by Mr. Kamal A.P. for benefit of all our readers. Thanks again.
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Sister Mary Joseph Node
Wednesday, December 09, 2009, 1:08:42 PM (Dr. Shajil)
To remember the named signs, it would be better to know a little bit of history. There might be an interesting incident related to a person who gave the name of the sign / syndrome. One such interesting case is how Sister Mary Joseph node got it's name. Also called Sister Mary Joseph sign, refers to a palpable nodule bulging into the umbilicus as a result of metastasis of a malignant cancer in the pelvis or abdomen.
To remember this sign better, let's go back to history. Imagine these events:
Scene: St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester; Dr. Mayo is taking rounds with Sr. Mary Joseph, his surgical assistant helping him.Sr. Mary drew Mayo's attention to the phenomenon, and he published an article about it in 1928.
Now remember this better with the picture given below.
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Puddle's Sign
Wednesday, December 09, 2009, 11:38:40 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Some signs can be better understood and remembered by knowing the meaning of word. Of course, most of the signs are named after people, but we are lucky to have few signs otherwise. For example, when I asked one medical student why Puddle's sign is named so, he told me that it was named after Dr. Puddle and he didnot remember what the sign was about.
So what's a puddle? A puddle is a small collection of liquid, usually we refer to a puddle of water in the ground after a rain etc. This is used to detect minimal fluid collection in the abdomen i.e. minimal ascitis.
Now to remember, you have the picture given below. There's a puddle, a sign board reading 120 ml and a Gorilla. Puddle sign can detect ascitis as less as 120 ml. What's the Gorilla doing there? The Gorilla's position is the position we use to elicit puddle sign. To make this more clear, let us see how to elicit this sign.
Let patient lie prone for 5 minutes, after which he/she has to rise on his/her elbow and knees (that's like the Gorilla!) and by the method of auscultatory percussion you find that there is resonant note in the flanks and dull note towards the center of abdomen i.e. the puddle forms at the central part of abdomen.
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Anticoagulant in Pregnancy
Tuesday, December 08, 2009, 11:12:12 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Which anticoagulant can be used in pregnancy? Heparin or Warfarin?
Answer is Heparin. WARfarin SHOULD NOT BE used. Remember: There SHOULD NOT BE WAR IN pregnancy.
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Ricketsial diseases and causitive organisms
Monday, December 07, 2009, 8:04:56 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Ricketsial POX : R. AKArI (see the picture above - AKAI)
ePidemic typhus : R. Prowazekii
Rocky mountain spotted fever : R. Riketssi
Q - Fever : COXiella BURNetti ( Imagine Camel & OX walking in a queue i.e. "Q" in a BURNing desert)
Srub typhus : R. TSUTSUgamushi (Imagine the sound while scrubbing - TSU TSU TSU TSUgamushi; alternatively remember only SUsugamushi, with "t" silent for ScrUb). SCRub typhus causes eSChaR
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Treatment of Leprosy
Monday, December 07, 2009, 2:04:29 PM (Dr. Shajil)
For Paucibacillary Leprosy -
• Daily - Dapsone 100 mg
• Monthly - Rifampicin 600 mg
• Duration: 6 months
For Multibacillary Leprosy -
• Daily - Dapsone 100 mg + Clofazamine 50 mg
• Monthly - Rifampicin 600 mg + Clofazamine 300 mg
• Duration: 2 yrs
Remember this with the formula D / R for paucibacillary and DC / RC for multibacillary
Explanation: The denominator is the monthly drug to be taken. In case of multibacillary leprosy, note that the dose of Clofazamine, be it monthly or daily, is half the dose of other drug taken along with it ( 100 / 2 = 50, 600 / 2 = 300 ). Duration of treatment is 1/2 yrs and 2 yrs for Pauci & Multibacillary leprosy respectively.
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Indicators of fecal water pollution
Sunday, December 06, 2009, 11:44:10 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Which of these is a bio indicator of past pollution with fecal matter?
a) Faecal Streptococci b) Clostridium perfringens c) both d) none
The answer is b.
How to remember:
Cl. perfringes is an indicator of past water pollution
Also remember that the indicator of recent water pollution is Faecal Streptococci ( Recent = Short term - Streptococci )
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Enzyme deficiancy in Phenylketonuria
Friday, December 04, 2009, 7:24:29 PM (Dr. Shajil)
PHenylketonuria - Enzyme deficient is Phenylalanine Hydroxylase
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Bone & Cartilage - Collagen types
Thursday, December 03, 2009, 1:24:19 PM (Dr. Shajil)
• bONE is made of type ONE collagen; Alternatively see the picture of bone which looks like '1'
• CARTilage is made of type two collagen. See the picture of cart with '2' inside the cart. Alternatively remember carTWOlage
• Still if you find it confusing remember B of bone comes before C of cartilage; B-1, C-2.
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Subunits of Brachial Plexus
Tuesday, December 01, 2009, 1:13:01 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Remember Rajasthan Transport Development Corporation Board (RTDCB):
Roots join to form Trunks
Trunks join to form Divisions
Divisions join to form Cords
Cords join to form Branches
Alternatively, remember Real Teenagers Drink Cold Beer
Other alternative mnemonics sent by Mr. Frank Hopkins made with his mnemonic generating software:
Uses 1st Two Letters of Each Term
Romanian Troops Diverted Combat Brigade
Round Trembling Divas Cold Breasts
Uses 1st Letters Only
Real Tight Dollar Closed Banks
Raining Twenty Days Collapsed Bridge
Real Tequila Drinker Charlie Boozer
Remember That Dudes Chick's Bootie
Raise The Dead Crying Behold!!! (This has a more religious tone to it)
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How bones got their names
Sunday, November 29, 2009, 1:50:25 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Many of the medical names are derived from latin. If you study a bit of latin or greek you will find medical terms getting simpler. Below is a picture depicting how few bones got their names (Starting from the first picture row wise):
In Latin, acetum = vinegar and -bulum, a suffix signifying the instrument. Acetabulum was thought to resemble a small vinegar cruet of roman times.
In Latin means a flute. Yes, a tibia after removal of external fixators looks like a flute :-)
In Latin means a little plate. So next time have food in a big patella !
In Anglo Saxon means a bowl. Eat brain from the bowl !
In Greek, olenokranon, from olene = elbow and kranos = helmet. In other words, the protector of the elbow. Elbow's helmet !
In Greek, kokkyx = cuckoo. This bone looks like the beak of a cuckoo. Huh?
In Latin, pelvis means basin.
In Latin, clavicula, diminutive of clavis = a key. Clavicle resembled those old keys. Anyway, don't use your clavicle to open your door :-)
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Atrioventricular Valves
Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 1:09:22 PM (Dr. Shajil)
tRIcuspid valve is in RIght atrium
Bicuspid valve in Left atrium ( Remember BiLe)
Bicuspid valve is also called MitraL valve. So mitraL is on Left
If you know what is a "mitre", then you can easily remember that bicuspid valve is mitral. "Mitre" is the hat that you see often worn by bishops. It has 2 leafs resembling the cusps. See picture below.
• Alternatively, imagine a RAT in LAB; Right Atrium Tricuspid, Left Atrium Bicuspid.
• If you know Hindi, remember DoMitr (Two friends) Bicuspid valve = Mitral valve by
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Aorta and IVC - left or right?
Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 11:12:15 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Anatomy was very confusing, especially relative position of structures. One constant confuser was the position of Aorta and Venacava as they descend into thorax.
I remembered that the AoRTa is RighT .
Here's another way to remember : Both a-o-r-t-a and r-i-g-h-t have 5 letters; v-e-n-a and c-a-v-a and l-e-f-t have 4 letters.
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Frozen shoulder: Sequence of manipulation
Monday, November 23, 2009, 4:36:17 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Remember FEAR: (The manipulation of shoulder has to be carried out in this sequence)
Abduction, followed by Adduction ( Remember Ab comes before Ad in dictionary)
Rotations (Internal & external)
Thank you Kamal for the good mnemonic :-)
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Saturday, November 21, 2009, 10:19:28 PM (Dr. Shajil)
The picture can be remembered for classification of enzymes. Note the mnemonics highlighted in big black letters.
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Coagulation factors consumed in clot
Thursday, November 19, 2009, 1:05:36 PM (Dr. Shajil)
The factors consumed in clot are 1, 2, 5, 8. You can remember this by imagining a watch showing the time as 12:58 - 1,2,5,8 ; Also imagine CFC (Clotting factors consumed) written on the watch.
Another mnemonic was sent by our reader Mr. Shiva; Shiva just keeps singing 1,2,5,8 what do we appreciate? clots!
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Amyloidosis of Spleen
Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 9:38:40 AM (Dr. Shajil)
There are 2 types of Amyloidosis of spleen - Sago spleen and Lardaceous spleen
What is the difference between the two?
Remember - Super Fast bus has Less Passengers (SF-LP)
Sago spleen - Amyloid deposit in Follicles
Lardaceous spleen - Amyloid deposits mostly in Pulp
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Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 1:24:12 PM (Dr. Shajil)
In NPH, there is
Abnormal P,H ( P = Pee problems = urinary incontinence; H = Head problem = dementia )
Absent signs of raised intracranial tension ( like headache, vomiting )
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Quadriceps femoris
Friday, November 13, 2009, 7:15:17 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Components of Quadriceps femoris muscle are:
Rectus femoris, Vastus lateralis, Vastus intermedius, Vastus medialis. Remember the picture below:
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Citric Acid Cycle
Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 12:02:09 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Here's how to remember the KTC = Kreb's or TCA or Citric acid cycle:
Remember "Citric Acid Is Kreb's Starting Substrate For Mitochondrial Oxidation"
These stands for the substrates in order:
Citric acid
Succinyl CoA
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Vitamin K dependent factors
Sunday, November 01, 2009, 1:08:06 PM (Dr. Shajil)
To remember the vitamin K dependent factors, try to memorize this picture. They are factors 2, 7, 9, 10. The story behind the picture mnemonic. In year 2K ( = 2000 = factor 2 is K dependant ), a pregnant lady after carrying her child for 9 months, caring all 7 days a week, gave birth to a child. The child grew up, got 10 upon 10 marks.
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Vitamin D metabolism
Monday, October 26, 2009, 9:20:59 PM (Dr. Shajil)
UV rays from sun act on skin, convert Cholecalciferol (CC) --> 25 Hydroxy CC in liver --> 1,25 Di Hydroxy CC in kidney.
So there are two hydroxylation reactions, first in Liver, second in Kidney. Remember this: You have 1 liver, 2 kidneys; So hydroxylation 1st reaction in your 1 liver and 2nd hydroxylation in 2 kidneys.
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The Cephalosporins
Saturday, October 24, 2009, 8:12:18 PM (Dr. Shajil)
• First Generation Cephahlosporins - Remember this story:
Mr. Fazol (ceFAZOLin) is a Lorry Driver (cephaLORIdine). He works very hard and has become Thin (cephaloTHIN) He has a "Rad" Watch on his hand (cephRADine) and a "Lux" soap (cephaLEXin). He wears a bright green Drawer {i.e trousers} ( cefaDROxil)
Route of drug administration: He will put the Lux soap in his Drawer - (Cefalexin & Cefradine are given orally. The latter can also be given i.v. /.i.m.. All others- i.v. /.i.m)
• Second Generation Cephalosporins: Remember FOX, FUR, FAC - ceFOXitin, ceFURoxime, ceFAClor
• Third Generation Cephalosporins - The story goes thus:
Mr. Aziz (ceftAZIdime) is taking an Ox (ceftizOXime, cefpodOXime) in a Taxi (cefoTAXIme) for slaughtering, i.e. an Operation (cefOPERAZONE). For this purpose he is taking Three Axon blades (cefTRIAXONe). He will Fix (ceFIXime) the ox for dinner (cefDINIR) in a short time!
Route of drug administration: Fix the price and eat (only Cefixime is given oral: all others im/iv).
ADRs: Operation will cause bleeding (Cefoperazone cause bleeding)
• Fourth Generation Cephalosporins:
My wierd dream: QUEEN of ROME who FLEW to OZONE layer, fell down and was made IP (Inpatient) by ME. Helps you to remember fourth generation cephalosporins - Cefquinome, Cefpirome, Cefluprenam, Cefozopran, Cefipime.
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Microbiology - Special Stains
Saturday, October 24, 2009, 8:09:03 PM (Dr. Shajil)
You know Gram stain is for Bacteria, Acid Fast for Mycobacterium (also Nocardia). Remember other special stains below:
Giemsa : CAmpylobacter, Malaria, Leishmaniasis (CAMeL) (Remember the picture of Giemsa Camel above)
Silver stain : pNEumocystis (CARnii), FUNgi, LEGionella (Remember the picture above : it's a SILVER NEW CAR with FUNny LEGs)
MuciCaRmine - CRyptococci
Periodic Acid Schiff: FUNgi, amoeba (A FUNny amoeba just PASsed away)
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Anti Tuberculous Drugs (ATT)
Saturday, October 24, 2009, 8:08:02 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Remember the REP ( Medical representative ) offering you an iPod. Let us name him as iREP ( REP offering iPod ). He tells you, " give me 5, 10, 15, 20 - 35 prescriptions to get an iPod ".
Here's the interpretation:
iREPS stands for
i - INH - 5mg/kg
R - Rifampicin - 10mg/kg
E - Ethambutol - 15mg/kg
P - Pyrazinamide - 20-35mg/kg
S - Streptomycin - 20-35mg/kg
Their dosages per kg are 5, 10, 15, 20-35, 20 - 35 respectively.
Which of these are Bacterocidal?
Of these, the ones that RIPS bacteria are the R, I, P, S.
To remember certain striking side effects see below:
INH - I Have Neuritis
Rifampicin - Red man syndrome
Ethambutol - Eye affected ( Retrobulbar neuritis )
Streptomycin - Song is difficult to hear ( Oto toxicity)
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Erb's and Klumpke's brachial palsies
Saturday, October 24, 2009, 8:07:32 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Erb's - Upper trunk ( C5, C6 ) {See the picture mnemonic above - imagine the '6' to resemble 'b' of erbs ; 's' resembles '5' }
Klumpke's - Lower Trunk ( C7, C8, T1 )
Remember 'E' comes before 'K' in alphabetical order, so Erb's is upper and Klumpke's lower trunk.
Now Klumpke's start with C7. Note that K-L-U-M-P-K-E is 7 letters.
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Blood group
Saturday, October 31, 2009, 9:21:56 AM (Dr. Shajil)
O Negative (O -ve) blood group is universal dONor
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Wegener's Granulomatosis
Saturday, October 24, 2009, 8:07:17 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Wegener's granulomatosis affects the upper and lower respiratory tracts and the kidney. As depicted in the visual mnemonic, URTI, LRTI, Epistaxis, Hemoptysis, Glomerulonephritis are few of the manifestations of this disease. It is C-ANCA positive. Treatment is with antibiotics, corticosteroid, Azathioprine, Cyclophosphamide etc.
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Kawasaki's Disease
Saturday, October 24, 2009, 8:06:53 PM (Dr. Shajil)
This visual mnemonic gives you the clinical features of Kawasaki disease. Imagine a Child on Kawasaki bike with red lips, tongue, body rash with cervical lymphadenopathy having a heart thrash ( Coronary aneurysm ) seeing a beautiful nurse who has the treatment needed for him. Note that Kawasaki disease is C- ANCA +ve as painted on the bike. The clinical features are depicted as a song, which you can try to sing in the tune of Titanic's song, "my heart will go on...."
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Huntington's Chorea
Saturday, October 24, 2009, 8:06:04 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Remember the story : A Korean (Chorean) hunter, HUNTING 4 CROws to DATE a COW
Now, here's the facts: Huntington's Chorea gene is on ChROmosome 4
Pathology is in CAUDATE (COW DATE) nucleus
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Aortic regurgitation : Peripheral signs
Saturday, October 24, 2009, 7:51:14 PM (Dr. Shajil)
This is a picture mnemonic which will help you remember the peripheral signs of Aortic regurgitation (AR) which is much talked about in the clinics.
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Cole - Cecil Murmur
Saturday, October 24, 2009, 7:49:48 PM (Dr. Shajil)
COLe-Cecil murmur is heard in Aortic Incompetence in AxIlla.
Remember AIshwarya RAI ( Miss world, 1994 ) likes Coco-COLa
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Endodermal pouches
Saturday, October 24, 2009, 6:53:43 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Endodermal pouches form the following organs / glands:
You have 1 tongue and 2 tonsils
• So from Ventral part of 1st Endodermal pouch forms the tongue
• From ventral part of 2nd Endodermal pouch forms tonsils
From THIrd endodermal pouch forms THymus and Inferior parathyroid
Note that superior parathyroid and follicular C - cells of thyroid forms from the 4th endodermal pouch (The superior and more complicated one arises from the fourth)
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Ewings tumor
Saturday, October 24, 2009, 12:54:21 AM (Dr. Shajil)
The above picture gives mnemonic for Ewing's tumor. First let us analyse the picture. Note the chick and swelling of Diaphysis of Tibia with the onion. Chick says VAC VAC VAC VACA, VAC VAC VAC AV / CV. The chick has fat and hence PAS stain positive. Note the moon and star at the top, Radio streaming music and chick fluttering it's wings up and down to the music as represented by 2 arrow marks at the left side. See the melted snow below the bone and a blood vessel from the side ( left corner )
Now, this is what the picture says: Ewings - the chick with wings; Arises from Diaphysis, most common bone is Tibia. Seen in children as represented by the chick. Onion represents the onion peel appearance in X-rays. The wings going up and down ( arrows ) represent that the size of tumor increases and decreases ( H/O Exacerbations and remissions ). The moon & star represents the clinical feature that pain is worse at night. Radio represents that the tumor is extremely radiosensitive - therefore melts like snow. Spread is by blood vessels and lymphatics. And what the chick says is the chemotherapy regimen - VAC ( Vincristine, Adriamycin, Cyclophosphamide ), VACA ( VAC + Actinomycin ), AV alternating with CV.
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Anatomical snuff box
Saturday, October 24, 2009, 12:52:32 AM (Dr. Shajil)
To remember the structures of anatomical snuffbox, look at your right hand and extend your thumb. You see three prominent tendons. The tendon in between is a brevis tendon - Extensor policis brevis. The tendon that meets it from the extensor surface is therefore extensor policis longus. The remaining tendon going in different direction of Extensor Policis Brevis is Abductor Policis Longus. Note that the longus goes parallel and brevis converges on both ends.
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Time period to stop certain drugs before surgery
Saturday, October 24, 2009, 6:49:25 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Aspirin: stop 1 week before surgery (Remember 'A' is the 1st alpahabet)
Lithium: stop 2 weeks before surgery (Remember the alphabet 'L' is formed by 2 straight lines)
MAO-A irreversible inhibitors: 3 weeks (Remember, turn 'M'clockwise, you get something like '3'; Alternatively MAO has 3 letters)
Estrogen pills: 4 weeks ( 'E' is formed by 4 straight lines)
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Carpal Tunnel
Saturday, October 24, 2009, 12:50:29 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Remember the picture to memorise the structures passing through the carpal tunnel and those passing superficial to it.
Structures passing through the carpal tunnel:
MediAN nerve (policeMAN) - Compression causes carpal tunnel syndrome
Flexor POLICis longus (POLICe jeep)
FDS, FDP (FD = Fixed Deposit in piggy bank)
Radial & ulnar Bursa (piggy Bank)
• Structures passing superficial to carpal tunnel
PALMaris LONGus (LONG PALM tree)
Cutaneous branch of MediAN Nerve (boy = small MAN; Big policeMAN was MediAN nerve, so small man represents cutaneous branch)
UlNar nerve (Umen = woman)
Cutaneous br. of UlNar nerve (small Umen = small woman = represented by girl in the picture)
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DDH - Facts and associations
Saturday, October 24, 2009, 12:49:37 AM (Dr. Shajil)
The picture mnemonic will give you facts and associations of Developmental Dysplasia of Hip (DDH)
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Clonorchis sinensis
Wednesday, October 21, 2009, 8:23:49 PM (Dr. Shajil)
The 'C's of Clonorchis sinensis :
Also called Chinese liver fluke Causes the following:
Cholangio carcinoma
Ca Pancreas
Cirrhosis Liver
Cyprinoid fish is the intermediate host
Definite host are fish eaters - Cat, Dog, Man
The infective form is enCysted metaCerCaria
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Diabetes mellitus
Friday, October 16, 2009, 5:25:08 PM (Dr. Shajil)
About Type I DM - ( Notice that Roman one 'I' looks like English alphabet capital 'I' )
Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM)
Insulin antibodies present
Insulitis in Islet cells
It follows that Type II DM is Non Insulin dependant DM.
Also remember I is LESS than II, therefore:
IDDM incidence is LESS ( Only 10% of diagnosed diabetics )
IDDM is seen at an younger age < 30yrs ( age is LESS)
IDDM patients are thin ( LESS body weight )
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Contents of LJ Medium
Thursday, October 15, 2009, 9:57:59 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Remember the picture to memorise the contents of LJ Medium ( Imagine making the special LJ Bull's eye with salt, green chilly and Pepper added )
• Coagulated hen's eggs
• Malachite green (Represented by green chilly)
• Mineral salt
• Asparaginase (Represented by PeppeR)
Asperger's syndrome
Monday, October 12, 2009, 6:11:28 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Remember the 'A's and 'SPE' of A-SPE-rger's
Adam (Male) child
Absent delay in language development
Absent delay in cognition
Absent mental retardation
SPEech SPared
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Named tests for Ulnar & Median nerve
Saturday, October 10, 2009, 6:17:01 PM (Dr. Shajil)
EGawa test is for ULnar nerve and so is FROMents test. (Remember EGULFROM - ? Email from gulf :-)
PEn test (OPPOnens test) and POinting index test MEdian nerve. (Remember OPPOsite ME)
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H. pylori
Thursday, October 08, 2009, 11:27:29 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Remember the LMN: H. pylori is ......
Negative gram staining
Also remember the C's
Choclate agar / Campylobacter media
Catalase +ve
CLO test +ve (= Urease breath test)
CAG is virulent cytotoxin associated gene, VAC is VACulating cytotoxin associated gene
Culture is more sensitive for diagnosis
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Charcot's triad
Tuesday, October 06, 2009, 5:33:01 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Charcot's triad is seen in Wernicke's encephalopathy, which is seen in alcholics.
Remember an alcholic who goes to the beautiful tourist spot in India GOA; He drinks, drinks, drinks and get Wernick's encephalopathy
So remember, the GOA of Charcot's triad:
Global confusion
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Friday, October 02, 2009, 9:12:01 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Bleeding time gives Platlet response ( Remember BP )
Clotting time gives idea about Coagulation pathway ( Remember CC )
Also remember the following about Prothrombin Time (PT) and Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT):
PTT - Intrinsic and common pathway
PT - Extrinsic and common pathway
( Remember this by imagining that Peter is going to take part in a Tea drinking contest. To be IN to the contest Peter must drink two Teas (TT) - PTT gives idea about INtrinsic and common pathway. If Peter drinks only one T, he is OUT = Extrinsic and common pathway represented by PT )
Kerly Lines
Thursday, October 01, 2009, 6:41:55 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Kerly A, B and C lines are found in Pulmonary edema
Kerly A - seen at lung Apex
Kerly B - seen at Base - Most common
Kerly C - seen Centrally
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Saturday, October 03, 2009, 7:07:34 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Higher (= Bigger) frequencies are at Base of the cochlear coil
(For Hindi knowing people: Bada frequencies at Base)
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CTEV - Order of correction in conservative treatment
Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 7:25:24 PM (Dr. Shajil)
CTEV treated conservatively should be corrected in the following order, else the complication is Rocker bottom foot.
The order of correction: ( Remember All India Exam - AIE)
First correct - Adduction
Secondly correct - Inversion
Thirdly correct - Equinus
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Somatostatin actions
Monday, September 28, 2009, 12:09:11 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Somatostatins inhibits G4TIP:
Growth hormone
Gastric acid
Pancreatic enzyme
Embryology of ear ossicles
Saturday, September 26, 2009, 12:57:07 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Maleus and Incus forms from mesoderm of I arch
Stapes from Second arch.
Vestibular apparatus
Friday, September 25, 2009, 11:39:34 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Vestibular apparatus has Cristae and Macula. CristAe detects Angular acceleration and MacuLa Linear acceleration.
Supination & Pronation, Plantar and Dorsiflexion
Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 8:25:16 PM (Dr. Shajil)
SUPination of forearm means to hold your palms so as to recieve the SoUP. (Opposite movement is Pronation)
PLANTar flexion of foot means the movement to squish a PLANT with your foot. (The opposite movement is Dorsiflexion)
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Innervation of quadriceps and toe extensors
Friday, September 18, 2009, 9:38:07 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Patellar tendon is innervated by L4 ( remember that quadriceps is made by 4 Long muscles )
Toe extensors are innervated by L5 ( remember the 5 Little toes )
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Few signs and tests in orthopaedics
Thursday, September 17, 2009, 8:03:27 PM (Dr. Shajil)
• LudlOFF sign : Avulsion of lesser trochanter ( Lesser trochanter has come OFF )
• ADson's test is for cervical rib / thoracic outlet syndrome ( Remember ADDed rib )
• ALLI's test is for CDH ( Remember ALLICe )
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Fever with Rash
Tuesday, September 15, 2009, 8:44:10 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Number of days after onset of fever that rash will appear:
Remember: Really Sick Children Must Take No Exercise.
1 Day - Rubella
2 Days - Scarlet fever ( Also in Smallpox )
3 Days - Chickenpox
4 Days - Measles
5 Days - Typhus, rickettsia (variable)
6 Days - Nothing
7 Days - Enteric fever
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Vitamins and Hypervitaminosis
Monday, September 14, 2009, 8:06:44 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Fat soluble vitamins are A, D, E, K (Remember FADEK)
Hypervitaminosis A causes Anomalies (teratogenicity)
Hypervitaminosis E causes necrotising Enterocolitis
Hypervitaminosis K causes Kernicterus due to hemolysis
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Drugs that can be administered through endotracheal route
Sunday, September 13, 2009, 2:30:29 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Drugs that can be administered through ENdotracheAL route:
Remember EN---------AL
Alternative mnemonics: ALiEN or LEAN or LANE, whichever you prefer, you can remember.
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H1N1 mnemonics
Saturday, September 12, 2009, 9:55:07 PM (Dr. Shajil)
In H1N1, antibodies to 'N' modifies iNfection ( and antibodies to 'H' neutralises the virus - 'H' Hits Virus . Remember HiV)
Antibodies to this virus:
• appears in 1 week
• reaches maximum level in 2 weeks
• drop to pre-infection levels in 2-3 months
(Remember 1, 2, 3 )
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Diaphragmatic openings
Wednesday, September 09, 2009, 6:22:03 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Remember VOA - Voice Of America:
Venacaval opening - at level T8
Oesophageal opening - at level T10
Aortic opening - at level T12
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Foramen Ovale
Sunday, September 06, 2009, 9:45:20 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Foramen ovale transmits MALE:
Mandibular nerve
Accessory meningeal artery
Lesser petrosal nerve
Emissary vein
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Saturday, September 05, 2009, 8:03:56 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Aminoacids passed in urine of Cystinuria patient:
Remember COLA in urine:
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Meninges of brain
Friday, September 04, 2009, 2:56:18 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Which are the meningeal coverings?
Remember PAD covers the brain (From inside to out):
PIa mater - Innermost
Arachnoid membrane
DUra mater - oUtermost
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Plummer Vinson Syndrome
Monday, August 31, 2009, 7:45:16 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Plummer Vinson syndrome is also known as Patterson Kelly syndrome
Post cricoid web and
Poor iron level (Anemia) is seen.
Precancerous condition.
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Who can order Exhumation?
Thursday, August 27, 2009, 7:31:40 PM (Dr. Shajil)
EXhuMAtaion can be ordered by EXecutive MAgistrate ( Also called first class magistrate )
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Seronegative arthritis
Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 7:20:31 PM (Dr. Shajil)
'S' and 'F's of Seronegative arthritis:
Subcutaneous nodules - Absent
Sacroilitis is present
Factor ( RA Factor ) - Absent
Family history is present
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Picture Mnemonic - Causes of Polyneuropathy
Saturday, August 29, 2009, 4:32:44 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Causes of Polyneuropathy are marked in red. Read the story behind the picture shown:
The hero Mr. Guillain Barre is Diabetic (Remember D.D.D - Diabetes, Diptheria, Dapsone). He is researching on AIP (Acute intermittent porphyria). Mr. GB is a Christian (vinCRISTINe)- note him wearing a cross).
His CAR is parked outside (CARbon tetrachloride & CARcinoma).
Note the things in his room - Fan (PHENytoin), a big mosquito out to suck blood (Represents Chloroquine). On his table is a glass of water - it contains Arsenic.
His Daughter (represents Hereditary cause), in a night dress, stained with ANILINE DYE, is bringing something from the kitchen in a pan of LEAD. The poor girl has been suffering from HYPOTHYROIDISM for quite a few years. Mr GB is so busy with his research that doesnot have time to eat and has developed Nutritional Deficiency.
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Dum Dum bullet
Friday, August 21, 2009, 9:34:04 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Dum Dum Bullet is a bullet which fragments extensively on striking. Remember one dumb bullet goes Dum Dum Dum Dum into many pieces.
Thursday, August 27, 2009, 7:38:25 PM
Submitted by Mr. Frank
Add the last word "fragments" to complete the associations.
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LFT : SGOT vs SGPT, Direct BR vs Indirect BR
Monday, August 24, 2009, 8:34:30 PM (Dr. Shajil)
SGOT is elevated in alcholic hepatitis.
I always get confused between the two. Here's how to remember: When you drink alcOHOL, you get hepatitis and your liver gets HOLes. So there are more HOLEs in SGOT - That's why SGOT is present in mitOchOndria and cytOsOl. SGPT is present only in cytosol.
To remember SGOT = AST and SGPT = ALT, strike out the common letters on both sides. You get O = S and P = L. Now remember "The OS (operting system) of your life gets corrupted with alchol". Remember OS for O=S --> SGOT = AST.
The other confusion is between Direct and Indirect bilirubin. Which is more? The level of Indirect is more - remember the number of letters in 'Indirect' are also more as compared to 'Direct'. Indirect = Unconjugated BR. ( Note that both have prefixes ). Therfore, Direct = Conjugated BR.
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Milestones in Pediatrics
Sunday, August 23, 2009, 7:47:48 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Child draws a circle at 3 years, cross at 4 years, square at 5 years and triangle at 6 years.
I think that the visual mnemonic is self explanatory. Start from head ( Circle ), imagine the ears to be '3'. Put them together and remember that child draws circle at 3 yrs. After 3, remember what the child draws at 4,5 and 6 yrs by coming down from the top of the figure. After head, you see the cross necklace - at 4 yrs. Come down further, imagine the body to be a square ( at 5 yrs ). The frock represents triangle which child draws at 6 yrs.
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Antemortem drowning
Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 10:06:00 AM (Dr. Shajil)
DiAtoms are found in Drowning Antemortem
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Iron content in body and in milk
Tuesday, August 18, 2009, 10:21:58 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Total quantity of " I R O N " in human body is 4 gms (= number of letters in the word "IRON") Iron content in Milk = 0.4 mg
Kartagener's Syndrome
Monday, August 17, 2009, 2:54:37 PM (Dr. Shajil)
To remember Kartagener's syndrome read it as CART-A-GENERal - The story of General transporting his sweetHEART ( wife ) in a cart. The sweetHEART is sitting to his right ( Represents DEXTROCARDIA - HEART to right ). Note that General has a red stuffy nose and still smoking smoking, he has SINUSITIS and BRONHIECTASIS. Note the grass through which he drives is moving as the cart passes. The grass resembles CILIA ( ABNORMAL CILIARY MOVEMENTS are seen in this syndrome ). The couple has no children to drive the cart ( Represents STERILITY ). So the features of this syndrome are:
Abnormal ciliary movement
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Milard Gubler Syndrome
Monday, August 17, 2009, 2:45:52 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Which cranial nerves are affected in MILLARD GUBLER syndrome?
They are 6th & 7th cranial nerves - Just count the number of letters in Millard (=7) & Gubler (=6)
Criggler Najjar Syndrome, Gilbert syndrome
Monday, August 17, 2009, 2:45:13 PM (Dr. Shajil)
What is the problem in Criggler NaJJar & Gillbert syndrome?
The defect is in CoNJuGatIon
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Reiter's Syndrome
Monday, August 17, 2009, 2:44:09 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Remember CUP :
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Behcet's syndrome
Monday, August 17, 2009, 2:43:35 PM (Dr. Shajil)
What is Behcet's syndrome
Remember BOOG
Behcet's is Oro - Oculo - Genital syndrome
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Fallot's Triad, Tetrad and Pentad
Saturday, August 15, 2009, 12:45:24 PM (Dr. Shajil)
To remember the Fallots, read this story along with the picture mnemonic :
Characters in the story and what they represent:
Ant - ASD
Parrot - Pulmonary stenosis
Rabbit - Right Ventricular Hypertrophy ( RVH )
Owl - Overriding of Aorta
Vulture - VSD
'3' represents Fallot's Triad, '4' - Tetrology of Fallot, '5' - Fallot's Pentad
The story: The Ant, Parrot and Rabbit ( 3 ) were living happily. Vulture and Owl are coming at 4 o'clock - an announcement informed them. The Ant was afraid that it would be eaten and went away in fear. At 4 o'clock the Vulture and Owl came. So there was the Owl, Vulture, Parrot and Rabbit ( 4 ) living together now. The newcomers came to know about the Ant. They promised that they won't eat the ant. So the Ant came back and all the 5 (Owl, Ant, Vulture, Parrot and Rabbit ) lived happily ever after.
Now, just substitute what the animals / insects / birds originally represent and you will remember the Fallots.
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Deformity in malunited supracondylar fracture
Friday, August 14, 2009, 8:31:39 PM (Dr. Shajil)
3 static deformities of cubitus varus in malunited supracondylar fracture ( Gun stock deformity ) :
Remember PHC (Primary Health Centre) or P HR CT ( Pay for High Resolution CT )
Posterior Displacement
Horizontal Rotation ( = HR )
Coronal Tilt ( = CT )
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Common cold
Friday, August 14, 2009, 8:17:42 PM (Dr. Shajil)
What is the incubation period of common cold?
2 days - remember you have 2 nostrils.
Sunday, August 16, 2009, 11:29:59 AM (Dr. Shajil)
GiArdiAsis most commonly seen in blood group A, Achlorhydria, Abuse with cAnAbis, IgA deficiancy, AIDS. Other causes without mnemonics - Chronic Pancreatitis, Malnutrition.
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Echinococcus granulosus
Thursday, August 13, 2009, 8:44:35 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Echinococcus granulosus - Remember EDC
• Echinococcus
Dog tapeworm is the common name
Casoni's test is used. Remember CID - Casoni's Intra Dermal test
• Treatment is MAPS - Mebendazole, Albendazole, Praziquantel, Surgery
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Number of Bones
Wednesday, August 12, 2009, 12:59:04 PM (Dr. Shajil)
• Total number of bones in human body = 206. ( See the picture - bon(e) looks like 206 if altered as seen in the picture; Still you will have to use your imagination a little )
• Total no. of bones in Face = Fourteen
If you didnot understand the picture mnemonic, see the video mnemonic.
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Mode of infection of Hepatitis A and E
Monday, August 10, 2009, 8:05:17 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Hepatitis A and E spread by oro - fAEcal route.
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Surgery for malunited Colle's
Monday, August 10, 2009, 8:03:20 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Corrective osteotomies for malunited Colle's :
CampbeLL's - Lateral wedge osteotomy
FernanDes - Dorsal wedge osteotomy
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Congenital heart disease producing cyanosis
Sunday, August 09, 2009, 10:54:55 AM (Dr. Shajil)
They all begin with 'T' :
Tetrology of Fallot
Transposition of great vessels
Truncus arteriosis
Tricuspid atresia
Total pulmonary anomalous venous return
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Polio vaccines
Saturday, August 08, 2009, 9:54:39 PM (Dr. Shajil)
SalK = Killed Polio vaccine
OraL (Sabin) = Live Polio vaccine
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Brachial Plexus
Friday, August 07, 2009, 8:11:23 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Lateral cord
Remember LML vespa scooter
• Lateral pectoral n.
• Musculocutaneous n.
• Lateral root of median n.
Medial cord
Remember My Mother Made Me Ugly
• Medial pectoral n.
• Medial root of medin n.
• Medial cutaneous n. of arm
• Medial cutanoeus n. of forearm
• Ulnar n.
Posterior cord
Remember STAR
• Subscapular n. (Upper and Lower Subscapular N.)
• Thoracodorsal n.
• Axillary n.
• Radial n.
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Active and passive immunity
Friday, August 07, 2009, 7:23:14 PM (Dr. Shajil)
When you take a vaccine, which immunity do you get - Active or passive ?
Passive because you Payfor the vaccine, get Pricked and it's Painful.
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Thursday, August 06, 2009, 10:24:11 AM (Dr. Shajil)
The immunoglobulins are IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE, IgD ( Remember GAMED )
First Immunoglobulin to appear is IgM - iMMediate
Immunoglobulin with Maximum Molecular weight - IgM = Millionaire molecule; Also, Maximum sedimentation coifficient is for IgM
IgA Activates Alternative complement pathway
Major serum immunoglobulin is IgG - maGor
IgG crosses placenta ( Gestation )
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Thursday, August 06, 2009, 10:20:49 AM (Dr. Shajil)
MHC-I associated with CD8 and MHC-II associated with CD4 ( Remember I x 8 = II x 4 )
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Prevalance of disease
Sunday, August 02, 2009, 9:57:00 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Prevalance = Incidence x Duration
Remember PID
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Wednesday, August 05, 2009, 10:15:10 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Indications of abdominal hysterectomy:
Remember TOMB
Trauma: Uterine perforation, cervical tear
Obstructive: Remember HARM
• Hydatidiform mole
• Atonic PPH
• Rupture uterus
• Morbid adherent placenta
Malignancy: Carcinoma of ovary / cervix / endometrium, Chorio carcinoma, uterine sarcoma.
Benign: Remember ABCDEF
• Adenomyosis
• Benign ovarian tumors
• Endometriosis
• Fibroids, tubo ovarian mass.
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Types of Abortion
Wednesday, August 05, 2009, 10:04:18 PM (Dr. Shajil)
INcomplete and INevitable abortions have cervical os open (difference is that in the former the uterine size is less than the period of amennorhoea.
In Missed abortion, the fetal Mortality has occured (in threatened abortion the fetus is alive)
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Hymenolepis nana
Monday, August 03, 2009, 10:05:19 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Hymenolepis nana is also known as dwarf tapeworm.
Remember this - Somebodythought that the name Hymenolepis is a giant and asked you, "is Hymenolepis a giant tape worm" - You said, " Na Na , it's a dwarf".
Alternatively remember HP Deskjet printers - Hymenolepis nana = Dwarf tapeworm
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Ossification centres around elbow
Saturday, August 01, 2009, 10:41:48 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Ossification centres around elbow appear in the following order:
Remember CRMTOL or CaRaMel TOffEE 1-3-5-7-9
Capitellum - 1 yr
Radial head - 3 yrs
Medial epicondyle - 5 yrs
Trochlea - 7 yrs
Olecranon - 9 yrs
Lateral epicondyle = External Epicondyle
Note: An alteranate mnemonic is CRITOE, where I = Internal Epicondyle.
You can imagine a child putting Caramel toffee into his mouth with elbow flexed.
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First Rank ( Positive symptoms ) of Schizophrenia
Thursday, July 30, 2009, 7:50:10 PM (Dr. Shajil)
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The Spleen
Thursday, July 30, 2009, 1:22:25 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Spleen measures 1 x 3 x 5 inches, weighs 7 ounces, lies between 9 - 11 ribs.
Remeber 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 of spleen.
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Shoulder Dislocation
Wednesday, July 29, 2009, 10:18:45 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Read the story for remembering facts about Shoulder Dislocation:
Dr. BRISTOW ( DCH ) had his shoulder dislocated following a fall, when going to BANK to PUT money. He had a H/O shoulder dislocation while working in MILITARY long back. His friend Dr. KOCHER and his TEAM reached on the spot and reduced the dislocation.
Now here's the interpretation of the story:
DCH - Duga's test, Callway's test, Hamilton's Ruler tests are tests / signs of shoulder dislocation.
KOCHER's manoeuvre is used to reduce the dislocated shoulder - The procedure is TEAM - in this order Traction, External rotation, Adduction, Medial rotation.
Military stands for "Regimental Badge sign" which has to be assessed, if present indicates Axillary nerve injury.
Surgeries for recurrent shoulder dislocation are BRISTOW's, PUTtiplatt's, BANKart's.
What is Hillsach's lesion?
Hillsachs is a depression in Humeral Head
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Sensory supply of C6
Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 2:40:36 PM (Dr. Shajil)
How do test the sensory supplied by C6? See the picture - it gives sensory supply of C6
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Causes of Tubal Pregnancy
Saturday, July 25, 2009, 11:20:04 PM (Dr. Shajil)
3 important causes of tubal ectopics: STD, IUCD, PID or STD, IUCD, PID
Either remember that all these end with 'D' or remember SIPping a straw which is a 'tube'
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Giant Cell Tumor (GCT)
Sunday, July 26, 2009, 9:50:10 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Es of GCT:
Epiphyseal tumor
Eccentric location
Enneking staging used for Benign GCT
Egg shell crackling may be elicited
Enbloc currettage is the treatment
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Treatment of acute sprains
Sunday, July 26, 2009, 9:46:45 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Acute sprains are treated with RICE:
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Litzman and Naegele's obliquity
Saturday, July 25, 2009, 11:14:48 PM (Dr. Shajil)
(Remember: PLAN)
Posterior asynclytism = Litzman obliquity;
Anterior = Naegele's obliquity
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Pulled Elbow
Saturday, July 25, 2009, 10:49:40 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Pulled elbow is seen in Pediatric population ( 2-5 yrs ). Clinical feature - Forearm is in Pronation.
Till what age can you expect pulled ELBOW - Count the number of letters in elbow = 5 --> 5 yrs.
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Tractions in Orthopaedics
Friday, July 24, 2009, 8:13:00 PM (Dr. Shajil)
• BUck's traction - Skin traction ( Remember: BUS )
• RUSsel's traction - for Trochanteric fracture ( Remember: RUST )
• Crutchfield traction - for Cervical spine injury
• Dunlops Traction - for SupraCondylar fracture ( Remember: DiSCo )
• Bryant's and Gallows tractions - for Shaft Femur fractures ( BSF, GSF - Boys School Federation, Girls School Federation :-) Tell me if you get a better mnemonic )
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Named fractures in Orthopeadics
Friday, July 24, 2009, 7:55:48 PM (Dr. Shajil)
• pott's fracture = bimaleolar fracture ( Remember bp, imagine reflection of 'p' in water is 'b' )
• COtton's fracture = TRIMaleolar fracture ( Remember COTRIMoxazole )
• March Fracture: Fracture of Base of shaft of 2nd metatarsal ( Remember - 2 Soldiers MARCHed To Manglore [ 2nd-Shaft-Meta-Tarsal-Base ]).
• Jone's Fracture: Avulsion fracture of base of 5th Metatarsal. ( Remember: Jone V (5) had Miliary TB [Jone's-5th-Meta-Tarsal-Base]). Alternatively remember aVulsion 5th. V stands for 5 in Roman.
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Common types of Dislocations
Friday, July 24, 2009, 7:43:58 PM (Dr. Shajil)
• PateLLa dislocates Laterally
• Most common Shoulder dislocation type is anterior; Most commonly Hip and Elbow dislocation is posterior ( Remember Ladies first, She - anterior, HE - posterior )
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Sprengel's shoulder
Friday, July 24, 2009, 7:37:44 PM (Dr. Shajil)
SprEngel's ShouldEr means Scapula Elevated congenitally
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Function of introssei
Friday, July 24, 2009, 7:35:05 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Function of Palmar introssei is ADduction; Dorasal introssei - ABduction ( Remember: PAD - DAB )
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Anatomy of Thoracic duct
Thursday, July 23, 2009, 11:13:13 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Thoracic duct lies between Azygous vein and Oesophagous
Remember: The DUCK is between two gooses (duck = thoracic duct) 2 gooses = azyGOOSE and esophaGOOSE (see picture)
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Muscles supplied by Radial nerve
Thursday, July 23, 2009, 9:24:20 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Radial nerve innervates the BEST :
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Innervation of Extra Occular muscles
Wednesday, July 22, 2009, 10:43:26 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Remember LR6SO4 :
Lateral Rectus is supplied by 6th cranial nerve,
Superior Oblique by 4th
and the rest of extraoccular muscles by occulomotor.
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Carpal bones
Thursday, July 23, 2009, 9:21:34 AM (Dr. Shajil)
The carpal ( wrist) bones are ( From lateral side of proximal row):
Remember: Sitha Looks Too Pretty, Try To Catch Her
Note: The first 4 bones are from lateral side of proximal row and next 4 from lateral side of distal row.
Again are you confused regarding the order of 'T's i.e. Triquetrum, Trapezium and Trapezoid ?For this, remember that the THIRD bone in mnemonic is TRIquetrum. Now to resolve between the next two carpal bones, note that both of them has "Trapez---". So take the first non recurring letter in these two; they are I (trapezIum) and O (trapezOid). Now in the alphabetical order I comes before O, So Trapezium comes before Trapezoid in the above mnemonic.
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Lengths of intestines
Wednesday, July 22, 2009, 11:15:00 PM (Dr. Shajil)
• Lengths of first 3 parts of the digestive system after the stomach i.e. Duodenum, Jejunum and Ileum:
To remember the lengths , remember the story of a tiger, which ate a dozen doctors who had gone to the forest for a picnic, including the famous Doctor Indiana Jones. News reported in Radio: One (tiger) Ate 12 (1-8-12) , including Dr. Indiana Jones referring to 1, 8 and 12 feets, which are the respective lengths of Duodenum, Ileum and Jejunum.
• Lengths of 4 parts of Duodenum ( Remember : 1-2-3-4 = 2-3-4-1 ) :
1st part = 2 inches
2nd part = 3"
3rd part = 4"
4th part = 1"
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Garre osteomyelitis
Tuesday, July 21, 2009, 8:05:34 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Sclerotic osteomyelitis of Garrie is a chronic or Subacute osteomyelitis. Affects Subperiosteal region of bone. Seen in the Small (Children and young adults)
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Scrotum layers
Wednesday, July 22, 2009, 10:46:32 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Layers of scrotum from outside in:
Remember - Some Dirty Englishmen Called It Testis :
External spermatic fascia,
Internal spermatic fascia,
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009, 10:38:48 PM (Dr. Shajil)
• Formula for adult (permanant) teeth:
2 Incisors, 1 Canine, 2 Premolars, 3 Molars (Remember: In India Crooked Politicial Pimps Make Maximum Money)
• Milk teeth:
First molar erupts between first year to 1 1/2 years; Second molar by second year .
When does the CANIne tooth erupt? It asks, "Can I erupt between 1 & 2 yrs (1 1/2 -- 2 years)
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Drugs causing photosensitivity
Monday, July 20, 2009, 7:33:07 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Remember Photosensitivity causing drugs are PQRST:
Phenothiazine, Psoralen,
Tetracyclines, Thiazines
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Beta receptor actions
Monday, July 20, 2009, 7:28:37 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Beta - 1 primarily acts on heart,
Beta - 2 on airways.
Remember: You have 1 heart and 2 lungs
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Monday, July 20, 2009, 7:24:46 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Mechanism of action is by inhibiting the synthesis of Dihydrofolic acid
Dosage of DapsONE is 100 mg/day - ONE hundreD mg per Day
Treatment of Dermatitis herpetiformis = Dapsone
Dapsone is used to treat many Dermatological conditions (A to Z : Acne, Behcets, Kaposi's Sarcoma, Lupus erythematosus, Leprosy, Mycetoma, Pemphigus, Pyoderma gangrenosum, Rhinosporidiosis, spider bites etc etc !!!)
Side effects of Dapsone : blooD ( methemoglobinemia, hemolysis and anemia), Dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome ( Mainly Dermatological manifestations - Mononucleosis like rash, skin eruptions, etc), Hepatotoxity etc.
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Monday, July 20, 2009, 7:04:37 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Which are the pyrimidines?
Remember: Pyrimidines are CUT from purines
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Monday, July 20, 2009, 6:59:47 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Name a LOW potency steroid = H(IGH)ydrocortisone
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Monday, July 20, 2009, 6:58:39 PM (Dr. Shajil)
In a tablet of Co-trimoxazole the ratio of Trimethoprim : Sulphamethoxazole is 1:5 ( Imagine "T" look like "1" and "S" like "5" ). It is given 2 times daily ( remember that it is a combination of 2 drugs)
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Nafrelin, Goserelin, Busrelin
Monday, July 20, 2009, 6:57:50 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Nafrelin is given Intra Nasally, Gosrelin is given Subcutaneous ( Remember Goose Skin ), Busrelin is given by Both these routes
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Hormones from Ovary and Testis
Sunday, July 19, 2009, 10:17:17 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Ovary secretes Relaxin, Inhibin, Progesterone, Estrogen. ( Remember ovaries are RIPE with hormones ).
Testis secretes testosterone, inhibin, and mullerian-inhibiting hormones. ( Remember that testis make Mr. TIM strong ).
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About Adrenal gland and Hormones
Sunday, July 19, 2009, 10:30:20 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Layers of Adrenal cortex (From outermost to innermost) : Remember GFR - Glomerular, Fascicular, Reticular. Products of the adrenal cortex, from outer to inner layer: Remember Salt, sugar, sex; "the deeper you go, the sweeter it gets." (Salt = aldosterone, sugar = glucocorticoids, sex = sex hormones)
The adrenal Medulla secretes stress hormones Epinephrine and Norepinephrine in response to stress in MEN ( Medulla - Epinephrine - Norepinephrine make the acronym MEN)
Adrenal Cortex secretes hormones which start with either of letters A or C - They are: Androgen, Aldosterone, Cortisol.
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Hypersensitivity reactions
Sunday, July 19, 2009, 10:08:02 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Remember ACID
Type I ----- Anaphylaxis
Type II ---- Cytotoxic-mediated
Type III --- Immune-complex
Type IV --- Delayed hypersensitivity
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Normal Differential Count Values
Sunday, July 19, 2009, 10:06:05 PM (Dr. Shajil)
WBC Differential Count (DC) :
Remember :"Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas" and "60, 30, 6, 3, 1"
Neutrophils 60%
Lymphocytes 30%
Monocytes 6%
Eosinophils 3%
Basophils 1%
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Sodium and Potassium
Sunday, July 19, 2009, 10:01:45 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Sodium is EXtracellular, Potassium INtracellular (SEX, PIN)
What are normal values of Sodium and Potassium in serum ? They are 135 - 145 and 3.5 - 5.5 respectively. I used to get confused between these values when I first heard them. This is how I remembered it: Sodium is EXTRAcellular - has EXTRA values, so the larger value is for it - that is 1-3-5, the first three odd numbers and for the smaller potassium, take only second & third odd numbers i.e. 3-5, make it to 3.5
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Essential amino acids
Sunday, July 19, 2009, 2:05:22 AM (Dr. Shajil)
REMEMBER- Mr. Thomas Parker Very ILL, Admitted in Hospital on THuRsday
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Stye and Chalazion
Saturday, July 18, 2009, 1:34:13 PM (Dr. Shajil)
STYE is Hordeolum externum (STAY OUT) ; Moll's gland / Zeis gland affected
Chalazion is Hordeolum INternum - Chronic Inflammatory granuloma of MEiBOMian glands (Remember : See (C) me in Bombay)
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Austin flint murmur
Saturday, July 18, 2009, 12:03:56 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Austin FlInt murmur is heard in Aortic Incompetence
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Saturday, July 18, 2009, 11:58:21 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Sensory (Wernick's) and Motor (Broca's) aphasias :
WErnicke's area - Sensory speech area is situated in Temporal lobe. (Remember: WEST ).
BROca's motor area cause BROken speech is in the Frontal cortex. (Remember: BF = Bollywood Film)
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Parkinsonism - Clinical features
Saturday, July 18, 2009, 11:50:53 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Clinical diagnosis of Parkinsonism:
Tremor, Rigidity, Akinesia, Postural abnormality (Remember: life is in TRAP with Parkinsonism)
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Meningitis - Causitive organism
Saturday, July 18, 2009, 11:48:26 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Which organisms cause meningitis in a BabE (baby) ?
Group B Streptococcus & E.coli
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Saturday, July 18, 2009, 11:45:02 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Argyll-Robertson Pupil : Remember A-R-P, P-R-A : Accomodation Reflex Present, Pupilary Reflex Absent. Pupillary reflex absent due to damage at Pretectal area. Also called the "Prostitute's pupil" (Syphilitic pupil)
What is HIPpus: It is alternate RYTHMic contractions and dialatation of the pupil. (Remember, the pupil plays HIP HOP to RYTHM)
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Enteric fever
Saturday, July 18, 2009, 11:41:41 AM (Dr. Shajil)
The investigations to be done in enteric fever: (Remember BASU)
1st week - Blood,
2nd week - Agglutination(WIDAL),
3rd week - Stool,
4th week - Urine
Incubation periods
Saturday, July 18, 2009, 11:41:19 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Incubation periods:
Diptheria : 1-7 days
Pertusis : 7-14 days
Chickenpox : 14-21 days
{Remember: DPC instead of DPT}
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Osler's and Janeway's nodes
Saturday, July 18, 2009, 11:30:12 AM (Dr. Shajil)
oSler'as nodes are found in Subacute bacterial endocarditis
jAneway's-Acute bacterial endocarditis
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The Multiple Endocrine Neoplasias (MEN)
Saturday, July 18, 2009, 11:23:35 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Each of the MENs is a disease of two or three letters plus a feature.
MEN I is a disease of 3 P's ( Pituitary, Parathyroid, and Pancreas) plus adrenal cortex
MEN II is a disease of 2 C's ( Carcinoma of thyroid and Catacholamines [pheochromocytoma]) plus parathyroid for MEN IIa or mucocutaneous neuromas for MEN IIB
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Branchial Cyst
Saturday, July 18, 2009, 10:40:44 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Branchial cyst (begins with "B" , which is the second english alphabet) - Arises from the second branchial cleft
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Meckel’s diverticulum
Saturday, July 18, 2009, 10:29:50 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Rule of 2’s: -
2 inches long,
2 feet from the ileocecal valve,
2% of the population,
commonlly presents in the first 2 years of life
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Troisier's sign & Trousseau's sign
Saturday, July 18, 2009, 10:25:01 AM (Dr. Shajil)
TroIsier's is Virchows node +ve ( IV line)
Trousseau's sign: Thrombophlebitis migrans
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Basal & Squamous cell Carcinoma
Saturday, July 18, 2009, 10:22:22 AM (Dr. Shajil)
BAsal cell carcinoma is also called RODent ulcer and arises from Pylosebacious Adnexia {Remember BARODA & BAPA}.
Squamous cell carcinoma arises from the Prickle cell layer of Malphigian layer of skin {Remember: SPM - Social and Preventive Medicine}
Complications of Undescended Testis
Saturday, July 18, 2009, 10:20:01 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Remember ASEPTIC:
Epididymo orchitis,
Indirect inguinal hernia,
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Signs in Thyroid opthalmopathy
Saturday, July 18, 2009, 10:16:48 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Kocher's sign - Starring look (Imagine a football coach starring at his player - Starring Kocher!)
STeLLwag's sign - Infrequent blinking (STiLL lids)
DaRLymple sign - LiD Retraction
Joffroy's sign - Absent Wrinkles (Remeber JAWs) or alternatively decreased Forhead (F for joFFroy's) wrinkles on upgaze.
Moebius sign - Weakness of convergence (M
W) or MCC - Mobieus Can't Converge
Von Graefe's - Lid Lag (Remember that some people think that ViaGra is used to improve the Love Life)
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Friday, July 17, 2009, 7:39:51 PM (Dr. Shajil)
Herbert's pit are found in Trachoma. Classification is McCallan's Classification
Remember herberTs piTs TraChoMa McCallans
Corneal scars
Denseness of corneal scars increases in the order Nebula < Macula < Leukoma (i.e. L,M,N in reverse order)
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Nystagmus with ear stimulation
Thursday, July 16, 2009, 8:53:18 PM (Dr. Shajil)
When left ear irrigated with warm water, nystagmus occurs to left side and when cold water is used, it occurs to right side. Remember COWS - Cold Opposite, Warm Same side
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True Rosette and Pseudorosette
tRue Rosette - flexneR witersteineR in Retinoblastoma
PsUeDO Rosettes - HOMEr wRIGHT in Neuro / Medullo blastoma ( U DO your HOMEwork RIGHT by cracking your brain using neuro/medullo)
The Sphingolipidoses
Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 11:11:45 AM (Dr. Shajil)
Enzyme defects in various Sphingolipidoses:
GaUChers Disease: beta GlUCosidase
Fabry's : ALpha gALactosidase
Nieman Pick : Sphingomyelinase (Remember Need P(f)or Speed)
Tay-Sachs : Hexosaminidose (Remember TSH)
About Pheochromocytoma
Remember the rule of 10s:
Remember 10% BCEFM
10% Bilateral
10% Calcified
10% Extra adrenal
10% Familial
10% Malignant
Root values
• Reflexes - root values
one, two, buckle my Shoes (Ankles are fitted into shoes, so ANKLE JERK- S1, S2)
Three, four, clean the fLoor (While cleaning the floor you rest on your knees, so KNEE JERK- L3,L4)
Five, six, pick up sticks (Pick up sticks using biceps, so BICEPS REFLEX- C5,C6; Same as Supinator jerk)
Seven, eight, open the gate (use your triceps - so TRICEPS REFLEX- [C6], C7,C8